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Enhanced Dynamic®  Investment Funds

Enhanced Dynamic® is a prudent, institutionally-oriented, fiduciarily sound, award-winning, quantitative equity allocation and investment methodology…


Enhanced Dynamic® is a prudent, institutionally-oriented, fiduciarily sound, award-winning, quantitative equity allocation and investment methodology that was developed to produce higher domestic equity portfolio returns while reducing portfolio volatility (higher risk-adjusted returns over a full market cycle).

The Enhanced Dynamic® methodology is founded on the culmination of decades of investment management consulting experience in the direction of portfolio assets for individuals, HNW families, retirement plans, and institutions.  Enhanced Dynamic® stands on current and proven best practices within the financial services and investment consulting industries.


The objective of the Enhanced Dynamic® domestic equity overlay methodology is to strategically allocate (overweight) more investment funds toward the in-favor and outperforming domestic equity investment styles and cap sizes, while strategically reducing (underweighting) the equity investments within the underperforming styles and cap sizes.

The Enhanced Dynamic® domestic equity overlay investment methodology produces important and significant cost versus return benefit comparisons over full market cycles, which are clearly demonstrable, repeatable and extremely attractive. This is accomplished by utilizing a proven, proprietary, quantitative domestic equity methodology, that is consistently applied to style adherent domestic equity vehicles through all market cycles.

Enhanced Dynamic® is suitable for use with institutional level, style adherent, active and passive domestic equity investment vehicles. It is not a tactical market timing approach, and it is assumed that portfolios will remain fully invested throughout the entire market cycle.
Enhanced Investment Partners LLC provides important and strategic guidance and advice utilizing Enhanced Dynamic® to virtually any independently managed domestic equity investment portfolio containing style adherent investment vehicles, such as:

  • actively managed accounts (SMAs)
  • exchange traded funds (ETFs)
  • mutual funds
  • index funds


The information contained herein is for professional evaluation only, and provided for the analysis, evaluation and consideration for use, licensing or adoption of the Enhanced Dynamic® investment strategy within new and existing institutional investment portfolios and investment funds by investment consultants, ETF and mutual fund investment platform providers, qualified institutional investors, institutional retirement platforms, OCIOs and RIAs.

This information does not constitute a recommendation or solicitation to purchase or sell any securities, funds or investment products. Any information provided herein is for the use by sophisticated institutional investors, and their professional investment advisers and is for informational and illustrative purposes only.

The Enhanced Dynamic® information contained herein displays the empirical results of the Enhanced Dynamic® equity investment overlay methodology www.EnhancedInvesting.com, applied to:
  • Pre-screened style adherent actively managed domestic equity managers [The Enhanced Dynamic® Moderate Active Strategy] as displayed within the eVestment Alliance manager database
  • The Enhanced Dynamic® Moderate Passive Strategy
  • The S&P family of indices [The Enhanced Dynamic® Moderate Passive Strategy, The Enhanced Dynamic® Moderate S&P Index Strategy, The Enhanced Dynamic® Maximum S&P Strategy]
  • The FTSE Russell indices [The Enhanced Dynamic® Moderate Passive Strategy, The Enhanced Dynamic® Moderate Russell Index Strategy, The Enhanced Dynamic® Maximum Russell Strategy]
  • Selected “Smart Beta” index funds; with the purpose of displaying the impact of the Enhanced Dynamic® concept. No tactical or market timing strategies were employed within the studies
  • The EIP methodology is a prudent, quantitatively driven, domestic equity overlay strategy, and is suitable and applicable to most active or passive, style adherent investment vehicles, such as independent, separately managed accounts, exchange traded funds, mutual funds, index funds and collective investment funds
  • Neither AUM or AUA account information will be provided. The Enhanced Dynamic® investment methodology is an overlay advisory service; we are not an investment manager.  Additionally, we do not provide Assets Under Advisement (AUA) information because we do not provide “daily portfolio management or transaction / execution services” as are required to fulfill the definition of Assets Under Management (AUM). We believe that not providing transactional services allows for greater objectivity while reducing potential conflicts of interest, thereby giving clients greater flexibility in portfolio oversight and administration
  • We provide, or will provide, our Enhanced Dynamic® equity OVERLAY methodology through SELECTIVELY screened, OCIO organizations, independent investment consultants, investment consulting firms, financial advisers, registered investment advisers and investment providers on a non-discretionary and confidential basis. We have not requested, nor are we required to request, their client’s assets under management utilizing the Enhanced Dynamic® methodology, nor the number of client relationships involved. At this time, we understand that the current regulatory statutes do not require Enhanced Investment Partners to request this information from our client advisor relationships
  • GIPS Compliance: due to the nature of the Enhanced Dynamic® overlay strategy, each individual client has the ability to select the investment managers and vehicles to be used within their investment portfolios. GIPS compliance requires that all investment transactions be reported as one consolidated portfolio, which we believe to be virtually impossible for Enhanced Investment Partners, given the flexible nature of our overlay approach, and variety of managers, strategies and vehicles employed by our clients
  • Investment fund platforms [ETF and mutual fund providers] will be able to claim GIPS compliance for their individual fund offerings, using the Enhanced Dynamic® methodology as a sub-advisor
  • The Enhanced Dynamic® equity investment methodology is not a market-timing [TAA] investment strategy, and it is assumed that portfolios remain fully invested throughout the market cycle
  • This information has been prepared from sources believed to be reliable, but is not guaranteed by Enhanced Investment Partners LLC and is not a complete summary or statement of all available data necessary for making any investment decision
  • Please refer to our Disclosures Copyrights and Patent Information

Enhanced Investment Partners LLC is a registered investment advisory firm (#142297) focused on providing the award-winning, patented and proprietary, Enhanced Dynamic® investment methodology services through our prudent and fiduciarily sound investment funds:

Our Enhanced Dynamic® methodology is also available for select institutional investment portfolios, either directly from Enhanced Investment Partners or through a thoroughly screened and vetted group of investment consultant organizations and investment provider platforms.

Enhanced Investment Partners and its principals are experienced in incorporating our Enhanced Dynamic® into portfolios containing independent, style adherent, active equity managers, as well as separately managed accounts, index funds, ETFs, collective investment funds, and mutual funds.


EIR is a strategic equity allocation methodology that was developed seeking to produce higher domestic equity portfolio returns and reduce portfolio volatility, while maintaining a fully invested equity portfolio.